How to Use Containers and the Grid System?

To structure your content and ensure a consistent and responsive layout, use Bootstrap containers. These elements allow you to control the layout of your web pages, thereby ensuring an optimal user experience across all devices.

Breakpoints Used by Containers

Breakpoints represent threshold values that allow you to adapt your layout based on screen size. Note that fluid containers ignore these breakpoints.

Summary table of breakpoints and maximum container width.
Breakpoint   Dimensions Maximum width
XS Extra small (<576px) 100 %
SM Small (≥576px) 540px
MD Medium (≥768px) 720px
LG Large (≥992px) 960px
XL Extra large (≥1200px) 1140px
XXL Extra extra large (≥1400px) 1320px

Bootstrap containers use Flexbox technology.

Bootstrap Offers Three Types of Containers

1. Default Container

The .containeur class is commonly used to create a container.
It provides a fixed maximum width that adapts to different breakpoints, ensuring a responsive layout.

<!-- HTML code using a default container -->
<div class="container">
  <h1>Bienvenue sur notre site</h1>
  <p>The fixed container adapts to different breakpoints.</p>

When the screen is between two breakpoints, the container adjusts to the maximum width of the smaller breakpoint.
You will notice that the difference in width is distributed in the left and right margins, allowing the content to be centered.

2. Fluid Container

The fluid container (.containeur‑fluidclass) occupies 100% of the parent element, regardless of the breakpoint.

<!-- HTML code using a fluid container -->
<div class="container-fluid">
  <h1>Welcome to our website</h1>
  <p>The fluid container takes 100% of the width.</p>

Unless you divide it into multiple columns, a fluid container can create excessively long lines on a large screen, making the text more difficult to read. In another article, you will discover solutions to improve your layouts based on a fluid container.

3. Responsive Containers

Responsive containers, found under the .container‑{breakpoint} classes, are variants of the default container.
They occupy 100% of the width up to a specified breakpoint, then adapt to the higher breakpoints.

<!-- HTML code using a responsive container -->
<div class="container-md">
  <h1>Welcome to our website</h1>
  <p>This container is fluid up to 720px and then adapts to other breakpoints.</p>

The {breakpoint} part of the class name can take one of the following values: sm, md, lg, xl or xxl.

You Can Use Containers in Several Ways:

  • Use them directly with content, as in the three examples above.
  • Apply a simple grid system with rows and columns.
  • Adopt a complex grid system that includes nesting.

Basic Grid Structure Based on Flexbox Architecture

The Bootstrap grid is based on three key elements: containers, .row and .col* columns.
Containers wrap the rows, which then contain the columns.
This hierarchy ensures correct alignment and spacing of the columns.

Flexbox utility classes allow you to justify or align content within the rows.

Principle of .row Description
Column container The .row class is used to create a row that will contain columns.
Each row must be placed inside a container.
Using Flexbox Rows use Flexbox to align and distribute columns flexibly and responsively.
Negative margins Rows use negative margins to balance the spacing margins of columns, ensuring proper alignment.
Equal heights Thanks to Flexbox, columns in the same row can have equal heights, which is useful for consistent layouts.
Horizontal alignment of row content
.justify-content-startAligns columns at the start of the row.
.justify-content-centerCenters columns horizontally in the row.
.justify-content-endAligns columns at the end of the row.
.justify-content-betweenDistributes columns with equal space between them.
.justify-content-aroundDistributes columns with equal space around them.
.justify-content-evenlyDistributes columns with equal space between and around them.
Vertical alignment of row content

.align-items-startAligns columns at the top of the row.
.align-items-centerAligns columns vertically in the center of the row.
.align-items-endAligns columns at the bottom of the row.
Horizontal and vertical gutters
.g-0Completely removes spacing between columns.
.g-{1-5}Adds horizontal and vertical spacing between columns.
.gx-0Removes horizontal spacing between columns.
.gx-{1-5}Adds horizontal spacing between columns.
.gy-0Removes vertical spacing between columns.
.gy-{1-5}Adds vertical spacing between columns.

Space Columns Using Gutters

Gutter utility classes help you manage the horizontal and vertical spacing between columns. Here is a summary of the available values for gutters .g{x-y}-{0-5}:

Value Role
0 Completely removes spacing.
1 0.25rem or 4px.
2 0.5rem or 8px.
3 1rem or 16px.
4 1.5rem or 24px.
5 3rem or 48px.
x Option for horizontal values only.
y Option for vertical values only.

Column Management Classes

Bootstrap offers you a variety of column classes that allow you to create flexible and responsive layouts according to breakpoints. You have several types of columns to create more or less complex grids.

You define columns using specific classes that determine their width based on the number of columns they occupy. For example, the .col-md-6 class indicates that the column occupies 6 of the 12 available columns, or half the width.

Flexible columns are also a powerful feature of Bootstrap. By simply using the .col class, you automatically adjust columns to occupy the available space equally. This is particularly useful for creating flexible layouts without having to specify precise widths.

Class Description Behavior
.col Flexible column Automatically adapts to available space.
.col-{1-12} Fixed width column Occupies a specific number of columns out of 12.
.col-auto Auto-width column Adapts to the width of its content.
.col-{breakpoint}-{1-12} Responsive column Specific width from a certain breakpoint.
.col-{breakpoint}-auto Responsive auto column Auto width from a certain breakpoint.

The {breakpoint} part of the class names can take one of the following values: xs, sm, md, lg, xl or xxl.
The {1-12} part of the class names can take a value between 1 and 12.


By using Bootstrap's containers and grid system, you optimize the structure and presentation of your web pages. You can easily adapt your layout to all devices, thereby ensuring a smooth and pleasant user experience. Breakpoints allow you to effectively manage screen size variations, while Flexbox and gutter utility classes offer precise control over the alignment and spacing of your elements.

By integrating these tools into your projects, you create layouts that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Explore Bootstrap's possibilities to design modern, responsive websites that captivate your users. Adopt these practices today to enhance the quality of your digital creations!

Last modification  2024-07-22